
Today's bifocals offer an even greater solution, with just a small segment of the lens devoted to near vision correction and the remainder of the lens is used to correct close up vision problem. Your bifocal options include line or no line and with the many lens choices, Luttrell's Eyewear professionals will assist you in choosing the correct lens style.

If you suffer from presbyopia, a condition characterized by blurred vision in the near sight, in addition to myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism you may want to consider bifocals to assist you with near and far vision. Essentially, bifocals are two lenses combined together to address both vision problems. When they were first developed, bifocals were created with one lens on top of another, so that users had to use a particular segment of the lens for a specific purpose.

If you are interested in learning more about bifocals give us a call today. Our experienced staff is available to help you find the best solution for all of your eye care needs.